Guest Post — A Look at the User-Centric Future of Academic Research Software — And Why It Matters, Part 2: Implications
Part 2 — how will the rapidly evolving world of researcher software impact scholarly communications?
Tyler Whitehouse is the CEO of Gigantum, a research-focused software startup. He is a research mathematician by training: after a postdoctoral fellowship at Vanderbilt University, he spent six years managing machine learning programs for US agencies such as DARPA, ARPA-E, and IARPA. At Gigantum, Tyler focuses on executing the company’s vision: to deploy an open technology that reduces technical differences between research producers and consumers, enables the rapid dissemination of research and customized code, and promotes global access to science.
Part 2 — how will the rapidly evolving world of researcher software impact scholarly communications?
Part 1 of a two-part look at the rapidly evolving research software space and how it is changing scholarly communication.