Inadvertent Innovation

[…] guys like disruptive technology so much, as they have the lessons of successful disruptions all around them: CraigsList (farewell to newspapers), Amazon (good-bye, bookstores), Twitter (CNN news flashes), and so on. Of course, publishers and the academic community they serve […]

The New Gatekeepers are Economists

[…] news and information into the hands of a small number of gatekeepers.  These gatekeepers were huge media companies (Gannett in newspapers, Time Warner in magazines and movies, and so forth), whose declared objective was to deliver profits for shareholders, not […]

Unfair Use

[…] another’s text, the news media works within different norms. Large sections of text are routinely lifted and republished in local newspapers. What the Associated Press wants to prevent is bloggers quoting from the headline and first lead paragraph. In other […]

Usage Map of Science

[…] created a massive dataset — nearly 350 million individual user interactions covering nearly 100 thousand serials including journals, magazines, and newspapers. Their goals was to create a map of the relationships among journals.  While the mapping of journal relationships using […]