We Step Aside: Why Are There So Few Black Physicists?
We Step Aside: This week The Scholarly Kitchen is spotlighting research and researchers writing about systemic racism. Today’s post comes from the resource of Particles for Justice.
We Step Aside: This week The Scholarly Kitchen is spotlighting research and researchers writing about systemic racism. Today’s post comes from the resource of Particles for Justice.
The AGU recently published new research on diversity and inclusion in co-authorship of journal articles and conference abstracts. Learn more in this interview with Brooks Hanson, Jory Lerback, and Paige Wooden.
One way or another, the #scholcomm community is going to choose either a diversity of publishing models or a monoculture, because it can’t have both. How will this choice be made, and by whom?
What’s it like to be work in scholarly communications as a person with a disability – physical or mental? See our world through the eyes of four individuals with disabilities in this interview by Alice Meadows
In this guest post, Gisela Fosado and Cathy Rimer-Surles of Duke UP share highlights and a video from their panel session on equity at the 2019 AUPresses Annual Meeting, plus helpful recommendations to help us achieve equity in scholarly communications.
In this guest post, Katy Alexander (Digital Science), Becky Degler (Wiley) and Simon Holt (Elsevier) explain why the scholarly communications industry would benefit from being more inclusive in its recruitment and development of people with disabilities, highlighting the particular skills they bring to our industry
Dr Joseph Williams, an expert in multicultural and social justice training, is delivering a pre-conference workshop on micro-aggressions at the SSP Annual Meeting. Find out more in this interview!
What is it like to be a leader who’s a woman of color in a world where senior management is largely dominated by white men? Find out in this conversation with three women of color who are in positions of leadership in scholarly communications and STEM.
We are celebrating International Women’s Day with guest Chef Susan Spilka of the Workplace Equity Project, who recently moderated a well-attended SSP webinar on moving from diversity to inclusion and equity, on which her post is based.
Last week saw the official launch of the Coalition for Diversity & Inclusion in Scholarly Communications (C4DISC) – a collaboration between 10 industry organizations led by SSP. Learn why this group is needed and what its priorities are in this post by Alice Meadows
A Baker’s Dozen TSK posts that address issues central to diversity, the theme of Peer Review Week 2018. We hope these will get your reading, thinking and commenting!
We continue our Peer Review Week celebrations with a roundup of articles about bias, diversity, and inclusion in peer review, by Alice Meadows, including eight lessons we can all learn from them
To kick off Peer Review Week 2018, Alice Meadows and Karin Wulf — guest editors for this week — share their vision of the environmental requirements for a diverse and inclusive peer review ecosystem.
In advance of Peer Review week, what are your ideas for ensuring diversity in peer review? Come see what the Chefs had to say and add your ideas to the conversation!
We all know that our community — and our society — face major challenges around diversity and inclusion. Many of us are committed to tackling these challenges at the individual level, but what are organizations doing? In this interview, Vicky Williams, CEO of Emerald Publishing, shares their experiences of addressing diversity and inclusion as a company.