Guest Post: The Perennial Question of Librarian Credentialing
A new survey looks at the philosophies and practices around librarian credentialing in the United States.
A new survey looks at the philosophies and practices around librarian credentialing in the United States.
Raymond Pun, Sai Deng, and Guoying (Grace) Liu on the challenge of advocating for diversity, equity and inclusion within scholarly communications when your own institution isn’t “there” yet.
An SNSI research project looks at the views of university Chief Information Security Officers toward network security, potential threats, data security, and the risks posed by Sci-Hub.
Like other greying professions, demographic data for ARL libraries warn us of a breaking wave of retirements but may paint an unrealistic picture of what the beach will look like after the surf has settled.
Hillary Corbett, the Director of Scholarly Communication & Digital Publishing at Northeastern University, and Charlotte Roh, the Scholarly Communications Librarian at the University of San Francisco, tell us what they learned at this year’s SSP Annual Meeting!
Another look at the fascinating evolution of the library.
The ALPSP study of the possible effects of a six-month embargo for journal content shows that humanities and social science journals are more at-risk, but the entire industry could find the precipice if such mandates were to take shape.
A recent analysis suggests some worrisome trends for librarianship.