Guest Post — The STM Mentorship Program
Mark Robertson and Rachel Moriarty discuss the STM Association’s Mentorship Program.
Mark Robertson and Rachel Moriarty discuss the STM Association’s Mentorship Program.
To mark the first unofficial Publishing Ethics Week, Allegra Martschenko and Rachael Levay discuss the importance of responsible, ethical mentorship.
Charles Watkinson and Lisa Bayer discuss the work of the SSP and AUPresses’ Joint Task Force on Career Progression, aimed at better categorizing publishing positions and promotional pathways.
This episode of SSP’s Early Career Development Podcast serves as a primer on the marketing role within scholarly publishing- what marketing professionals do, how they amplify the customer voice through products and services, and the various contexts and conversations this work can happen within.
This second post in the “Reducing the Burden of Diversity tax” series makes recommendations for affected marginalized folks to minimize the negative impact of diversity tax.
Robert Harington reviews Fred Dylla’s book, Scientific Journeys: A Physicist Explores the Culture, History and Personalities of Science, a collection of prose pieces that portray the author’s approach to a world of science and the science of the world.
The SSP announces its Communities of Interest Network, starting with networks for HSS Publishing Professionals and Early Career Publishing Professionals.
A new conference explores ways research can turn the scientific method onto improving its own results.
In the last of this series of posts about this year’s Annual Meeting, SSP’s Marketing & Communications Committee cochairs ask members of our community what the conference meant to them
We ask the 2022 Society for Scholarly Publishing Fellows to offer their thoughts on this year’s Annual Meeting.
As the SSP’s Annual Meeting for 2022 comes to a close, Jennifer Regala offers thoughts on what you can do to support and build our community.
The SSP Career Development Committee’s Professional Skills Map is in its third iteration, and the results are presented here. The Skills Map aims to guide scholarly publishing professionals across industries and career levels in recognizing their personal strengths and interpersonal and technical skills, and then map those skill sets to fitting roles across the industry, empowering them to advance in their current roles and explore potential career paths they may not have previously considered.
Earlier this month we asked the community which organizations they volunteer for and why. Today it’s the Chefs’ turn!
The tenth episode of SSP’s Early Career Development Podcast serves as a primer on the sales role within scholarly publishing- what sales professionals do, how they operate as relationship managers, and the role of their interactions from end user to publisher. Andy Douglas, Vice President of Commercial Partnerships and Strategic Business Development at Springer Nature, addresses these questions and more. Hosted by Meredith Adinolfi (Cell Press) and Sara Grimme (Digital Science).
As the long-awaited, in-person SSP Annual Meeting approaches, we are hosting two events where prospective volunteers can learn about opportunities within the Society. We asked members of the community to share: which organization(s) do you volunteer for and why?