Editor’s Note: Every five or so years, I feel an urgent need to rewrite the same post explaining the fallacy behind a piece of research solely by its “societal impact”. The first was in 2014, followed by the piece below from 2018. It’s come back onto my radar after attending several science policy meetings where some speakers were emphasizing it, and from recent posts such as Mark Huskisson’s report from the Munin Conference. Yes, obviously we do science to have a positive impact on society, but looking solely at metrics meant to measure that impact means ignoring the real world timespans of science. We live in an increasingly short-term thinking world where we seem intent on eating our seed corn. Remember that all the societal impact you’re seeing today is the result of the seemingly esoteric basic science that was done decades ago, and ask yourselves, what will we use to build societal impact twenty years from now?
The reason our governments and charities fund research, or why anybody bothers to devote their lives to it, is to make the world a better place. We benefit from the generation of new knowledge, as it leads to things like better healthcare, powerful new technologies, and a stronger understanding of who we are as a species and a society. A better world is the end goal of research, so it’s not surprising to see funders and governments increasingly demanding proof of “real world” or “societal” impact. But while the idea of measuring real world impact makes sense, objectively measuring it is not a simple or straightforward process, and it raises some red flags about falling into the same sorts of traps we’re already in from the ways we already do research assessment.
Funders and research institutions set goals for researchers – here’s how we’re going to evaluate your performance, and while these goals are meant to provide qualitative measures, they are inevitably reduced down to quantitative metrics. In an ideal world, every grant officer, every tenure committee, every person on a hiring committee is going to read every single one of every applicant’s papers and develop a rich understanding of the importance and meaning of their work. But we know that’s not going to happen, and in practice, even six years [Editor’s Note: now 13 years] after DORA, they instead rely heavily on numerical metrics, largely for two main reasons: there are too many things to evaluate, and no one has all the necessary subject knowledge.
We have an enormous number of people doing an enormous number of research projects. Grant offerings and job openings routinely get hundreds, if not thousands of qualified applications. In 2014, the UK’s REF review assessed 191,150 research outputs and 6,975 impact case studies from 52,061 academics. The NIH alone awards around 50,000 grants to more than 300,000 researchers, which represents a tiny fraction of the applications they receive.
Even if you had the time to read everything, many decisions have to be made by non-experts. University administrators, grant officers and others can’t be expected to analyze high level research. If I don’t know a thing about Keynesian economics, how am I going to judge the importance of your work on the subject?
Real world impact cannot be effectively reduced to a numerical ranking for a number of reasons:
- It’s often subtle and non-obvious, requiring an explanation, rather than a yes/no tick box.
- It’s slow, in many fields better measured in decades rather than months.
- It’s widely variable, and there’s no one standard measure that makes sense for a particle physicist and an economist.
- Trying to metric-ize real world impact leads to short term thinking rather than doing what’s best for research and for society over the long term.
Probably one of the most impactful set of experiments of the last century was done in the early 1950s, when Salvador Luria and Guiseppe Bertani were looking at how bacteria protect themselves from viruses. They realized that there were differences in how well the virus could take hold in different strains of bacteria. Maybe kind of interesting, but where’s the societal impact?
Cut to the next decade. In the 1960’s, Werner Arber and Matt Meselson’s labs showed that the reason for the restricted growth in some strains was because there was an enzyme chopping up the viral DNA, something they called a “restriction enzyme”. Again, it’s bacteria, so where’s the “real world” impact?
A decade later, in the early 1970s, Hamilton Smith and Daniel Nathans, among others, isolated these enzymes and showed that you could use them to cut DNA in specific place and map it. This quickly led to the notion of “recombinant DNA,” and genetic engineering. Herb Boyer and Stanley Cohen filed a patent and started a company called “Genentech”, and started producing synthetic human insulin. Until this time, the only insulin available to diabetics was purified animal insulin, which was hard to get and expensive. This made an incredible difference in the lives of the people suffering from this condition. Arber, Nathans and Smith were awarded the Nobel Prize for this work in 1978. The patent, by the way, wasn’t officially awarded until 1980.
That seems a pretty significant piece of real world impact. But going back to Luria and Bertani, how would we have measured the value of what they did? What metric would have captured that impact?
Real world impact can be subtle and slow. It took decades for the real payoff from the initial experiments. RO1 grants are offered for 1 to 5 years. How does that time scale gibe with the course of these experiments? In today’s funding environment, would Luria and Bertani have kept their grants, their jobs?
Altmetrics are often mentioned as a way to measure real world impact. The first thing we must absolutely be clear on though, is that attention is not the same thing as impact. Just because something is popular or eye-catching, doesn’t mean it’s important or of value. Cassidy Sugimoto, summed up the state of Altmetrics and societal impact in a recent tweet:
I have not seen strong evidence to suggest that #altmetrics – as presently operationalized – are valid measures of social/societal impact. Rather, they seem to measure (largely unidirectional and concentrated) attention to articles generated by publishers, researchers, and bots.
The key to understanding why Altmetrics, or any metrics are problematic comes down to a concept that’s so important it has been codified under three separate names (Campbell’s Law, Goodhart’s Law, the Lucas Critique) — essentially, if you make a measurement into a goal, it ceases to be an effective measurement. As currently constructed, Altmetrics measure as much the level of publicity efforts from the publisher and author as they do the actual attention paid to the work.
Some caveats should be considered when thinking of Altmetrics though, as there are a couple of interesting and potentially relevant things they do capture. One important indicator is when a paper is referred to in a law or policy document. This shows the research is directly affecting society’s approach to a subject. However, this is not a universal metric for all fields – there’s not a lot of policy being written about string theory or medieval poetry studies. Going back to recombinant DNA, in the mid-70s, a number of communities, notably Cambridge MA, passed laws banning or strictly regulating recombinant DNA research. That’s certainly a sign of societal impact, but I’m not sure how much a funder or institution would reward a researcher for inspiring laws that essentially ban their research.
Another interesting metric with some potential is tracking connections between research papers and patents. In theory, a patent shows a practical implementation of something discovered during the research process. Turning an experiment into a product, a methodology, or a treatment would certainly qualify as real world impact.
But again, this is not universal. Not all research lends itself to patentable intellectual property. Campbell’s Law comes into play again – if you get credit for patents, then researchers are going to start patenting everything they can think of, regardless of its actual utility. Do we really want to lock up more research behind more paywalls? If everything that’s discovered gets patented, then does that stop further research – I can’t take the next steps in knowledge gathering because I’d be violating your patent if I try to replicate or expand upon your experiments. That goes against the progress we’re making toward open science.
Time scales come into play here as well. It takes about 12 years to go from the laboratory bench to an FDA approved drug. Most funders aren’t going to wait 12 years for you to prove societal impact to get your grant renewed. Remember also that only about 1 in every 5,000 drugs that enters preclinical testing will reach final approval. If your drug gets tested and fails, is that real world impact?
Exerting pressure to productize research, and to strive for small, short term gains over creating long term value is bad for research.
This gets us to one of the other roots of society’s ills, short term thinking. In the US, schools are willing to trade-off having a generation of citizens that haven’t been properly educated for a quick infusion of local tax dollars, and so focus on the metric of standardized test scores. Kent Anderson wrote a post about this for The Scholarly Kitchen last month, where he called it a “race to the bottom”, with people keen to pay lower prices now even if they know it will hurt them in the long run.
We already have some major issues getting funding for things like basic science. The technology and health gains we’re putting together today are based on the basic science of the last few decades. Luria and Bertani weren’t trying to cure diabetes, they were investigating defense mechanisms of bacteria. You probably couldn’t get that project funded today, as researchers are increasingly asked to show practical results of their work – as noted sage Sarah Palin put it,
You’ve heard about some of these pet projects, they really don’t make a whole lot of sense and sometimes these dollars go to projects that have little or nothing to do with the public good. Things like fruit fly research in Paris, France. I kid you not.
The idea of codifying “real world impact” as the key to career advancement and funding puts us in even more dangerous straits. Researchers will optimize for these goals, and we’ll see less and less basic science and more and more attempts at quick wins.
I’ll end this post with one crazy idea for measuring real world impact – hear me out, put down those torches and pitchforks! We know that science is slow and incremental, “standing on the shoulders of giants” and all that. How do we know that Luria and Bertani’s work led to synthetic insulin? From the citation record, as each step of the way, new research cited the previous research that led to it.
We know that citation is an imperfect metric, it lags, and we know that the Impact Factor distorts it and remains deeply problematic. But there is valuable information in the citation record that can help us track the path of research. We shouldn’t be so quick to dismiss that value just because we don’t like the way academia has chosen to use the Impact Factor.
7 Thoughts on "Revisiting: Measuring Societal Impact or, Meet the New Metric, Same as the Old Metric"
Splendid! Having deeply studied the reception of Gregor Mendel’s discovery of what we now refer to as “genes”, and William Bateson’s six-year battle with the biometricians to gain its acceptance, I cannot agree more. So far, I have boiled it down to the fundamental natures of the two main political organizations of societies within which research is conducted. In dictatorships, if one is on the right side of the leader, progress can be rapid. In the 1920s the Bolsheviks began what we now refer to as “big science” and progress was rapid until Stalin screwed things up. In democracies, progress is slow, because of the short-term thinking of politicians. To meet this, I proposed greater diffidence in the evaluation processes that go under the title of “peer review”. The result was a process that is best entitled “bicameral review.” This is featured in several papers, published both before and after my first book: “Tomorrow’s Cures Today? How to Reform the Health Research System” (2000). My subsequent biographies of Victorian figures set out in detail the struggles for recognition that provide a framework for understanding the DNA revolution that David Crotty so neatly describes.
Do you think the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have impacted how research is measured at all? Has the impact been positive, negative, or mixed?
Very timely reminders! (Though the “tweet” and Sarah Palin references certainly give away its original era, lol.) The title reminds me of this classic xkcd cartoon: https://xkcd.com/927/
Every time Davis Crotty posts his a long thought , it’s something I look forward to. Because his anaylisis of the current problems is very timely and realistic. In particular, when I recently read this new article published in PNAS ‘The misalignment of incentives in academic publishing and implications for journal reform https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2401231121, I really would like to listen to Davis’s idea. So thanks for his sharing today by this paper! Acturally in current uncertain times, we really have too many questions, but academic publishers should have our determination and values.
Me too. I’d like to hear Mr. Crotty’s opinion.
As a small editor in a certain Asian country, although the academic environment I am in is not consistent with the standardized academic environment, I fully agree with your opinion. External influences form a kind of quantitative standard, which leads to piles of papers, whether they are credible or not. The results of short-sighted and rapid publishing are clearly not applicable to normal academic development and human progress, and we have to spend how much time and how much human and material resources to screen these results. Perhaps when we finally have the time and energy to review those achievements, our feet are already full of mirages.