Isn’t Leakage Good for Libraries?

Leakage has strengthened libraries’ negotiating position with respect to content providers. The emerging syndication model syndication offers libraries the opportunity to provide dramatically improve the research experience for their users — with a number of risks as well, including the prospect of substantially reducing their leverage at the negotiating table.

Guest Post — The Library is the Brand

Libraries provide vital digital services to their host institutions. If these services carry clear library identity branding, it strengthens the library’s position in the university and enables it to secure the budget and political capital necessary to do its work.

More Scholarly Communications Consolidation as Institutional Repository Provider DuraSpace Merges into Lyrasis

Green open access, and in particular the role of institutional repositories in serving up preprints and other journal article artifacts, is going through some substantial transitions. Yesterday, news broke that DuraSpace and Lyrasis are merging. An important development for institutional repositories and related library systems, this is also yet another example of organizational consolidation among membership organizations in the library community in particular. Roger Schonfeld analyzes the merger.

Elsevier Chairman YS Chi: An Interview

Today’s post features an interview of Elsevier’s chairman Youngsuk (“YS”) Chi, conducted by ITHAKA president Kevin Guthrie during the opening session of ITHAKA’s Next Wave conference. It features discussion and perspective not only about Elsevier itself and its strategic direction, but also about broader changes in scholarly communication and approaches to organizational leadership.