Headlines 2.0

Editors still write headlines like they’re for print and people. With online, headlines shift to a new environment and have at least two more audiences.

E-ink Hits the Newsstands

Coming in September, according to a story in the New York Times, the first e-ink magazine cover will grace our newsstands. Esquire has designed an e-ink cover that will flash the words, “The 21st Century Begins Now” from an e-ink […]

FCC Misses Both Forest and Trees

Image via Wikipedia The San Francisco Chronicle (and other sources) recently reported on an initiative from the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to examine embedded advertisements in TV programming (“product placements”). Examples rolled out by reporters and the FCC itself include […]

SSP TMR Blog Debuts

The Society for Scholarly Publishing‘s Top Management Roundtable meeting, scheduled this September 3-5 in Philadelphia, PA, now has its own blog, updating interested parties about the meeting’s format, linking to interesting work from speakers, and allowing for blogging at and […]

Target’s Experimental Games Experiment

It’s the weekend, so let’s have some fun. Games are educational, and probably always have been. For instance, chess teaches a lot. Now, one of the nation’s largest retailers is mixing experimental games into apparel marketing. According to Boing-Bong.net, Target […]