The Future of Authorship

Dismayed by the loss of trust in facts, and seeming preference for half-truths that appears to be driving our political present, Robert Harington decided to catch up on his reading over the weekend, and stumbled across a stimulating article in Publishers Weekly, entitled How to Sell Nearly a Half-Million Copies of a Poetry Book, by Anisse Gross.

What We Got Wrong About Books

Lack of information about how books are actually used has resulted in a set of actions that don’t make solid economic sense. Now that more end-user information is becoming available, the book business is likely to adjust its practices.

The Need to Simplify Indexing and Data Sharing

Indexing and metadata sharing are the lifeblood of scholarly journals. Even with services and infrastructure available to all journals, the effort needed to participate is not small. Journals that are self-published and on their own platforms need significant resources to implement metadata sharing and depositing. This guest post serves as a case study and provides suggestions for how to make it easier.