First-Hand Publishing Experiences: Researcher Panel at SSP’s New Directions Seminar
A diverse panel of researchers shared their first-hand publishing experiences at the 2024New Directions seminar.
A diverse panel of researchers shared their first-hand publishing experiences at the 2024New Directions seminar.
As artificial intelligence begins to play an ever-bigger role in the scholarly publishing landscape, how might it help solve some of the biggest challenges facing publishers?
Part one of a look back at the Publisherspeak meeting — today’s themes: author experience (AX) and AI.
Christos Petrou looks at the factors that go into determining a journal’s turnaround times, and how we can help authors make better-informed choices.
How do we strike a balance between humans and AI to improve peer review? We’ve interviewed a few publishing experts who specialize in human and AI ethical, equitable, and sustainable publishing solutions to share their thoughts on the future of peer review.
In this article, Minhaj Rain explores how human intelligence tasks (HITs) and not simply more AI tools could be the way forward as a reliable and scalable solution for maintaining research integrity within the scholarly record.
What are the burdens researchers face? And what can be done to lighten the load and make the academic environment more diverse, equitable, inclusive, safe, and welcoming?
There are still barriers and hesitations around open research practices. Erika Pastrana and Simon Adar suggest that publishers and technology platforms can better support authors and drive uptake.
Digital transformation in submission and peer review offers improvements for publications and a better experience for researchers and journal staff.
Iain Hrynaszkiewicz discusses PLOS’s Open Science Indicators initiatives and shares initial results.
Avi Staiman discusses how meaningful engagement with authors early in the research process can yield significant benefits to publishers and journals.