Did ChatGPT Just Lie To Me?
After making up a false claim about a nonexistent study done by the AAAS, the AI software admitted that it made a mistake and then apologized.
After making up a false claim about a nonexistent study done by the AAAS, the AI software admitted that it made a mistake and then apologized.
We stand by our data. We just won’t share it or believe that you replicated our study.
Scientific authorship comes with benefits, but also responsibilities. If authors are unwilling to explain their work, editors must step up to defend their journal.
A paper linking tweets and citations comes under attack, but more from the authors’ inability to answer even basic questions about their paper and resistance to share their data.
A brief review of studies linking social media and article-level performance.
Want to see the best-guess at the real-time Web’s activity level? Gary Hayes has a tool that let’s you peek.