13 Great Error Messages
What’s the #1 computer error message? Is it red or blue? Flaming? A whale tale? Or just sad?
What’s the #1 computer error message? Is it red or blue? Flaming? A whale tale? Or just sad?
Are we in the early days of a new Renaissance? One keen observer agrees, and trends point in that direction.
Google Knol may be just author infomercials, not a vibrant reference work with accountability.
Friday fun with the Large Hadron Collider and rap.
Apple’s push into schools continues with its latest devices and programs. And it may have good effects.
The Kindle takes hits, but seems on-course to become a major force in scholarship in the future.
It’s unavoidable — even a session on technical issues becomes about the people. It’s integral to Web 2.0.
A “mystical belief” in simple math and hard numbers like the h-index can mislead smart people.
As the SSP’s Annual Meeting approaches, many people will be gearing up to make an important presentation, and audiences will enter hoping to be inspired, informed, and impressed. Scott Hanselman has a great post on how to give a great […]
A recent story in the Chronicle of Higher Education covers the 2008 meeting of the Association of Learned Societies meeting, held last week in Pittsburgh, PA. It’s interesting reading, given the tenor of our times. Academic freedom is a major […]
The Chronicle of Higher Education recently covered a “noteworthy” copyright case in Florida. Why the air-quotes? The intellectual property at stake is literally class notes, more or less. A professor who recorded his lecture notes in both written form and […]
A federal judge’s decision this month (reported in the Chronicle of Higher Education) cleared plagiarism-detection tool Turnitin of charges that it violates student copyrights, even though it stores digital copies of their papers. An appeal will likely be filed. The […]
Two weeks ago, Elsevier and MIT announced a deal allowing MIT’s OpenCourseWare (OCW) project free use of a limited amount of images and text from Elsevier journals, all under a Creative Commons license. The limits are up to 3 figures […]