The Year in Review: 2020 In The Scholarly Kitchen
What a strange year 2020 was, in so many ways. Here, a look at the numbers for The Scholarly Kitchen for the past 365 days.
What a strange year 2020 was, in so many ways. Here, a look at the numbers for The Scholarly Kitchen for the past 365 days.
In periods of disruption, commercial publishers have traditionally found opportunities to make capital investments that ultimately strengthen their relative position in the market — opportunities that are not necessarily available to their not-for-profit counterparts. With this in mind, we offer up the beginnings of an analysis of the state of not-for-profit publishing today.
The International Water Association is going to flip its entire journal portfolio to open access via a Subscriber to Open model. Here’s how they plan to make it a success.
Meredith Adinolfi and Sara Grimme speak with Vicky Truter, Adya Misra, and Sai Konda about their experiences and participation in SSP’s Fellowship and Mentorship programs.
Can community-action publishing prove to be a viable alternative to market-based publishing?
Christos Petrou looks at the impact on publication volumes, and what that might mean for next year.
Meredith Adinolfi and Sara Grimme speak with Sarah Tegen and Ann Michael about how early career professionals can continue to focus on career development and growth, particularly during the pandemic.
If we are truly committed to a more equitable and resilient system of scholarly communication, we need to look beyond diversity programs and understand how this watershed moment requires us to reexamine everything, including strategy and business models.
In support of Open Access Week, we asked our community how we can achieve equitable participation in Open Research. Today, part 2. Come share your views!
Publishers have retracted more than 20 COVID-related papers. Are they learning from their mistakes and fixing process failures?
Should library patrons be concerned about how Elsevier uses ThreatMetrix and how it tracks users? It’s complicated.
In this fourth episode of SSP’s Early Career Development Podcast, we look at strategies and programs to support staff and employees during a time of great uncertainty for many in the publishing industry and for the communities that we support.
William Park on the potential for publishers from the untapped $1-2 billion opportunity within the small to medium sized enterprises (SME) market.
Results of this partnership signal we should expect future expansion of content syndication.
How can collective action models to support open access, like Subscribe to Open, be applied to academic publishing? An interview with Raym Crow.