Two of our bloggers recently spoke at the AAUP meeting. The topic? Patron-driven acquisitions. Here’s an overview of the session from the AAUP wiki; their slide presentations are appended (sorry for the formatting problems):
Patron-driven acquisitions (PDA) is a rapidly evolving method by which libraries purchase books. In the PDA model, books are only purchased (or, in some instances, rented) when a patron actually requests access. As a practical matter, this is likely to reduce book purchases by libraries and will in any event often delay the date when a book is purchased. As PDA is likely to have an impact on publishers’ revenues, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation underwrote a grant to study the impact of PDA on book publishers, university presses in particular. The aim of the study is to provide an overview of PDA from the publisher’s point of view and to identify means by which publishers can lessen the economic impact of the new PDA programs.
Chair: Terry Ehling, Associate Director, Content Development, Project MUSE
Panelists: Rick Anderson, University of Utah Libraries; Joseph J. Esposito, Publishing Consultant
Rick’s slides:
Joe’s slides:
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