C4DISC Is Officially Launched!

Today sees the official launch of C4DISC, the Coalition for Diversity and Inclusion in Scholarly Communications. Learn more about the organization and how you can get involved in this post by Alice Meadows.

Learning and Connecting from Home: SSP Responds to Evolving Member Needs with Expanded Programming

Announcing the SSP OnDemand Video Content Library, a new asynchronous learning platform that offers a variety of recorded video content users can access when convenient. This innovative, “anywhere, anytime” alternative to the traditional webinar broadcast is designed for scholarly communications professionals to stay abreast of the current challenges facing our industry.

Guest Post — Navigating Your Career in Publishing: Introducing the SSP Professional Skills Map

The Professional Skills Map, initiated by the SSP Career Development Committee aims to guide scholarly publishing professionals across industries and career levels in recognizing their personal strengths and interpersonal and technical skills, and then map those skill sets to fitting roles across the industry, empowering them to advance in their current roles and explore potential career paths they may not have previously considered.