Sci-Hub Citation Study Confuses Causes With Effects
Do Sci-Hub downloads cause more citations, or are high impact papers simply downloaded more often?
Do Sci-Hub downloads cause more citations, or are high impact papers simply downloaded more often?
Some journals are expected to benefit immensely under Clarivate’s new counting model.
Daniel Katz and Hollydawn Murray present the FORCE11 Software Citation Implementation Working Group’s guidelines for citing the software used in research publications.
2020 looked like a year where volunteer-driven projects were likely to be put on hold. The good news is that so many continued to thrive and progress, despite the pandemic.
Starting 2021, Journal Impact Factors will be calcuated using online publication dates, not print ones. But phased roll-out may lead to bias for some journals.
The crisis of information integrity is real. Integrity of workflow — analyses of process, investment in process, transparency of process — is the intervention
Are US federal courts enforcing Creative Commons licenses? Yes, but not as copyright holders may hope.
Sylvia Izzo Hunter, Igor Kleshchevich, and Bruce Rosenblum look at the complexities of adding preprints to the citation record and suggest best practices going forward.
We stand by our data. We just won’t share it or believe that you replicated our study.
Scientific authorship comes with benefits, but also responsibilities. If authors are unwilling to explain their work, editors must step up to defend their journal.
ResearchGate’s Joseph DeBruin looks at the balance between speed and uncertainty in scholarly communication, and how technology can facilitate better information travel.
A paper linking tweets and citations comes under attack, but more from the authors’ inability to answer even basic questions about their paper and resistance to share their data.
The AGU recently published new research on diversity and inclusion in co-authorship of journal articles and conference abstracts. Learn more in this interview with Brooks Hanson, Jory Lerback, and Paige Wooden.
Christos Petrou looks at megajournal performance and the resulting business implications.
Bamini Jayabalasingham, Ylann Schemm, and Holly J. Falk-Krzesinski present the takeaways of a new report by Elsevier, “The Researcher Journey Through a Gender Lens”.