Chefs in training in Paris, France (2005).
Image via Wikipedia

In order to continue to offer a robust menu of offerings, it’s sometimes necessary to bid farewell to some chefs and welcome new ones. So, while Howard Ratner and Alix Vance step aside, I’m happy to announce that Tim Vines and David Wojick will be joining us here in the Scholarly Kitchen.

First, a sincere thank you to Howard and Alix. Howard was the prime mover behind the expansion of the Kitchen, urging me in its earliest days to expand its roster and then agreeing to be that first new author. Alix came aboard and provided a new voice at a time when we needed to shake things up. Her energy and breadth of experience provided memorable posts. Despite their departure, their posts will remain in our archives. Thank you, both.

Now, to welcome the new Chefs.

Tim Vines is the managing editor of Molecular Ecology and an ecology researcher with a PhD in evolutionary ecology. Currently residing in Vancouver, he was born in the south of England, and lived in Edinburgh for eight years before moving to Vancouver in 2003. His fake Scottish accent has now faded completely. He lives with his wife, two daughters, and three chickens (for whom he has constructed a coop/bunker that keeps out the local raccoon gang).

David Wojick works part time as the Senior Consultant for Innovation at OSTI, the Office of Scientific and Technical Information, in the Office of Science of the US Department of Energy. He has a PhD in logic and philosophy of science, an MA in mathematical logic, and a BS in civil engineering. As a frequent commenter, David has proven his ability to tackle many subjects with wit and insight.

I’m looking forward to seeing what our new Chefs will cook up over the coming months.

Welcome, Tim and David!

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Kent Anderson

Kent Anderson

Kent Anderson is the CEO of RedLink and RedLink Network, a past-President of SSP, and the founder of the Scholarly Kitchen. He has worked as Publisher at AAAS/Science, CEO/Publisher of JBJS, Inc., a publishing executive at the Massachusetts Medical Society, Publishing Director of the New England Journal of Medicine, and Director of Medical Journals at the American Academy of Pediatrics. Opinions on social media or blogs are his own.


8 Thoughts on "Changes in the Kitchen — Two Established Chefs Depart, Two New Ones Join"

Thanks David C., great metaphor. I fear I may raise the noise level a notch as I want to talk about US Federal policy, something I am actively engaged with.

Thanks for the welcome guys! I’m currently cooking up a post on dinosaurs…

Kent, by deleting the authors off the author list other than searching / scrolling through the pages, there is no easy way to view past author posts. Could the past authors not be greyed out or put in a past author list, therefore providing a good UX for the reader?

Hey, we’re just a bunch of volunteers running public blogging software. Customization is not in our remit! Sorry.

Maybe send an email to WordPress?

Hi Kent, sorry if comment sounded harsh, was meant in good faith. Really like the blog, it is my first read of the morning. Was trying to assist so that all your author content was viewable. Keep up the great work.

Thanks, Phil. I hope you also realize I was joshing. There are very few things WordPress doesn’t do well enough to satisfy me, and one thing that had me worried about roster changes was how previous authors disappear. I think what I’ll contemplate is how to put a search string for their stuff in as a link in the About page sections about them. That’s at least better than nothing.

Thanks for reading! We all really appreciate having readers.

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