Recently, I’ve received notes from two readers who say they’ve had problems getting our emails, which should arrive every weekday. So, I’m putting up this quick poll to see if we have a widespread problem, or just some local coincidences.

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Kent Anderson

Kent Anderson

Kent Anderson is the CEO of RedLink and RedLink Network, a past-President of SSP, and the founder of the Scholarly Kitchen. He has worked as Publisher at AAAS/Science, CEO/Publisher of JBJS, Inc., a publishing executive at the Massachusetts Medical Society, Publishing Director of the New England Journal of Medicine, and Director of Medical Journals at the American Academy of Pediatrics. Opinions on social media or blogs are his own.


3 Thoughts on "Quick Survey on Our Email Alerts"

The only problem I am having is that I get them TWICE every day!

No extra charge!

Seriously, I only see one subscription in Feedburner, which we use to email. If you’re also following the blog via WordPress, which was an option for a little while early on, that might be why.

A rare problem has just occurred: a Scholarly Kitchen e-mail on the weekend.

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